Monday, April 18, 2011

Automatic Updates Are Back!

I didn't really try to figure out what was wrong. Instead, I thought this would be a good time to put in some actual work: kaPlurk! now uses the official Plurk API.

Automatic Updates Are Down

Dani reported that she isn't seeing any updates. I did a quick check, and there is indeed a problem with the auto-updates.

I'll see what I can do, ASAP.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Automatic Karma Update Can Now Post Private Plurks

For you guys who have access to the Automatic Karma Update feature, you can now set messages that are only visible to yourself.

Thank @zeldAIS for letting me know that it's a feature that somebody actually wants. I didn't know why I didn't do this sooner.

I'm having some problems with the Friends Only option, so if you really need that, bug me about it. =p

UPDATE (2011-03-14 01:42 AM): I set all existing auto-karma updates to private. No more spammy timelines!